Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Animal Rights Should Have Equal Status With Human Rights

Well, basically what I find troubling is that anyone would engage in any activity that causes pain to another living being. It is simply unconscionable. Obviously, such individuals are seriously disturbed. Still, it is just amazing to me that, in addition to those who orchestrate these sick displays of abject horror and cruelty, it is also truly appalling that there are any spectators at all who would even think to choose to partake in viewing and supporting such heinous crimes as the torture and murder of innocent animals.

Our society needs a tourniquet the size of the moon to prevent the death of our souls as a result of not stopping, once and for all, these kinds of terrible crimes against animals by not legislating universal serious and harsh punishment for the mistreatment of any and all animals.

Serious reform is needed in the form of pressure brought to bear on legislators who need to consider instituting much more serious punishment for such crimes than the woefully inadequate maximum penalty consisting of incarceration of 6 years for the crime of murder.

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