Friday, July 27, 2007


Great news everyone! Nike has suspended Vick!!!

Accoriding to the Humane Society of the United States

"Nike announced today that it has suspended Michael Vick's contract without pay and will stop selling all Vick-related products at its stores.
This is a big victory, one that simply would not have happened without your action and those of more than 165,000 others.
As you know, the allegations against Michael Vick are so serious and disturbing that The Humane Society of the United called on his corporate backers to end their commercial relationships with the star player. I’m so pleased that Nike has signaled it has a zero tolerance policy for athletes who may be involved with staged animal fights and other forms of malicious animal cruelty. Nike's statement reads as follows: "Nike has suspended Michael Vick’s contract without pay, and will not sell any more Michael Vick product at Nike owned retail at this time. As we’ve said before, Nike is concerned by the serious and highly disturbing allegations made against Michael Vick and we consider any cruelty to animals inhumane and abhorrent. However, we do believe that Michael Vick should be afforded the same due process as any citizen in the United States, therefore, we have not terminated our relationship."
Also today, Reebok agreed to stop selling Michael Vick-branded products. The company does not have a contract with Vick but has an official relationship with the NFL to sell its merchandise. "

Personal note: I hope that every one of us who has raised our voices against Nike in this fight also thanks Nike and CEO Mark Parker for making the right decision.

Nike USA Consumer Services at 1-800-344-6453 or

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Animal Rights Should Have Equal Status With Human Rights

Well, basically what I find troubling is that anyone would engage in any activity that causes pain to another living being. It is simply unconscionable. Obviously, such individuals are seriously disturbed. Still, it is just amazing to me that, in addition to those who orchestrate these sick displays of abject horror and cruelty, it is also truly appalling that there are any spectators at all who would even think to choose to partake in viewing and supporting such heinous crimes as the torture and murder of innocent animals.

Our society needs a tourniquet the size of the moon to prevent the death of our souls as a result of not stopping, once and for all, these kinds of terrible crimes against animals by not legislating universal serious and harsh punishment for the mistreatment of any and all animals.

Serious reform is needed in the form of pressure brought to bear on legislators who need to consider instituting much more serious punishment for such crimes than the woefully inadequate maximum penalty consisting of incarceration of 6 years for the crime of murder.